Four Great Things to Try With Peanut Butter

Most of us have been eating foods like peanut butter and jam from our childhood. This is a great snack, and a combination of both is as natural looking as it gets. However, there are several other possibilities for the combination with peanut butter, and I want to run some ideas by you. This should make things more interesting at the time you reach for that jar. I hope you like these ideas, because I know that I have!

1. Bananas. Peanut butter and bananas are a great combination. If you have not tried it, I suggest you do. Think about it. If the jelly (fruit) goes well with peanut butter, why not other fruits like bananas?

2. Fluff. Fluffer Nutter, as the name suggests, is a marshmallow topping that goes like a charm with PB. This sweet flavor of jelly work better in the eyes of many, and while it may be more of a dessert for you than eating, it's still something that you might like.

3. Bacon. PB and the meat was surprisingly large. Natural sweetness and saltiness of the two brands combined for a great contrast.

4. Chicken. Who would have thought, but the chicken is really going well with it. Whether it's in a sandwich, or chicken cooked just immersed in it, both go really well together. Try it if you are adventurous enough, because there is a good chance you'll be surprised at how well the two go together.

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